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Technical Opportunities

BMIL offers the chance to collaborate with experienced technology researchers and practitioners in the IT area. Dr. Sinan Ozgur offers insight as to the application of Industry 4.0 technologies (advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, smart cities, internet of things), and manages a Community of Practice (COP) webpage on Leveraging Advanced Technologies. Dr. Anna Farberova brings practical experience on how to implement lean manufacturing principles and opportunities in her webpage on Lean Manufacturing Principles and Opportunities. 

Dr. Albert Mubako is our resident expert on digital transformation and brings his expertise to bear in the Digital Transformation: The Realignment of IT and Business Strategies for Retailers in South Africa. Dr. Muanza Kanda applies his knowledge of mobile technology in the COP Using Mobile Technology to overcome Supply Chain Challenges for Delivering Aid. 

Dr. Emmanuel Benjamin uses his medical expertise and advanced geocoding of data techniques in his COP Using Geolocation to Manage High Prevalence Diseased. Dr. Jeffrey Ray applies his organizational learning experience on the COP Applying Organizational Learning Modelling to Management Innovation. BMIL visitors and participants can scroll through the Articles section and find access to all kinds of technology information.

Included Services

  • Advanced Technologies

  • Lean Manufacturing

  • Digital Transformation

  • Leveraging Mobile Technologies

  • Geocoding of Medical Data

The Challange

Visitors and participants at the BMIL, with so many outstanding researchers and practitioners to choose from, may find it difficult to take advantage of each resource. 

Nevertheless, if focused is maintained there will be numerous technical opportunities to gain insight on evolving disruptive and innovative technologies.

What we do?

The BMIL engages researchers in a collaborative web space to encourage the development of solutions across a multitude of issues that affect the impoverished. We cover a broad range of topics and bring together subject matter experts to generate solutions to problem spaces affecting those living in developing countries. Our modelling capabilities, for example, are extensive. We have incorporated a model for generating digital business strategies developed by Dr. Albert Mubako, an Enhanced Organizational Learning model developed by Dr. Jeffrey Ray, a model for applying lean manufacturing developed by Dr. Anna Farberova, and a Management Innovation Cooperative Framework model developed by Dr. Lambert Ciza. Implementation of the models will improve the performance of participating organizations as they work to resolve issues and improve the living conditions in developing countries.  

Common Question for this project

An out product of Dr. Jeffrey Ray’s research on organizational learning was an Enhanced Organizational Learning model that improves an organizations organizational learning posture. The model incorporates ten knowledge conversion process that are required to learn as an organization, and ten implementing activity groups that recommend practical steps executive managers can take that are designed to make organizational learning one of the organizations core competency areas. For more information refer to the COP titled, “Advancing Knowledge Creation Modelling through Improved Organizational Communications.”

Dr. Jeffrey Ray and Dr. Albert Mubako recently published an invited chapter where they present a model for digitally transforming a business by first performing a digital maturity assessment of current capabilities, describing the maturity levels of the digital environment to define a starting point to base future modifications on, and then applying a Digital Business Strategy Model (DBSM) to ensure that required inputs and outputs for developing a digital business strategy will create and capture value for the firm from emerging digital technologies.

An enhanced organizational learning model expands the discussion and incorporates recommended practical implementation steps to ensure smart organizational transformation. Refer to the Current Issue webpage titled, “Smart Organizational Learning with Digital Transformation.”

Yes, there are numerous instances where IoT devices are being applied to challenges in developing countries. In Africa, for example, there is a growing industry producing medical devices for the developing world that are affordable, sensitive, specific, user-friendly, rapid, equipment-free and deliverable to end-users. Read more at the Leveraging IoT Devices for Healthcare in Africa Current Issues webpage.

Popular Services

Organizational Learning Improvements

By adopting Dr. Jeffrey Ray’s Enhanced Organizational Learning Model universities, companies, and supporting organizations can improve their organizational learning posture and be more adept at learning new innovative and disruptive technologies, and then be able to apply them to improve conditions in developing countries.

Digital Transformation Modeling

Dr. Albert Mubako’s research on digital transformation has revealed that digital transformation has disrupted traditional ways of doing business for the better and offers a conceptual model to guide participating organizations toward a digital business strategy for transient competitive advantage.

Refer to the BMIL Current Issue titled, “Creating a Digital Business Strategy,” which highlights the work published in a book on the topic co-authored by Dr. Albert Mubako and Dr. Jeffrey Ray.