Dr. Lambert Ciza has extensive experience in managing donor-funded development programs with Oxfam Netherlands (2018-2021) and Christian Aid Ireland (2021-2024). He has served as consultant to review annual reports for Trademark Africa Programs in Burundi and DRC for the FCG Swedish Development in 2023. For UNICEF, Dr Ciza has offered consultancy services in designing a business plan and an exit strategy for its sustainable energy access program in rural Burundi.
With GIZ/Energizing Development program, Dr Ciza has designed a strategy for sustainable market development for renewable energy in rural Burundi in 2017, and in 2016-2017, Dr Ciza has worked for Trademark East Africa as Women in Trade Coordinator for its regional market linkage program implemented by TraidLinks, an Irish Consultancy firm. Dr Ciza has worked as lecturer in the Business School of the International Leadership University Burundi. He has taught Strategy, Advanced Strategy, Product Development and Innovation, Global Business and Sustainability Strategies and Policy mainly in MBA program. Dr Ciza has offered mentoring services to ILU Burundi MBA Theses (2023-2024), and to the Master’s in International Development Program of the Andrews University (Michigan) in 2021.
Dr Ciza has presented his research Addressing ethical problems through management innovation to the BEN-Africa Conference Proceedings in Kigali-Rwanda, August 2023.
Dr Ciza holds a diploma in Philosophy from the Major Seminary of Bujumbura (2005), a bachelor’s in finance and Banking Management from the Hope Africa University (2010), an MBA in Global Business and Sustainability, majoring in Social Entrepreneurship of the Catholic University of Milan, Italy (2013), a MA of science in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (2017) and a PhD in Management from the SMC (2023). Dr Ciza’s research interests are management innovation, cooperation strategy, organizational culture audit and re-design. Dr Ciza’s doctoral dissertation is “The Dynamic Contribution of Burundian Universities to Management Innovation”.
The dissertation investigated the incentives for sustained collaboration between universities and industry businesses in creating an enabling environment for management innovation. The dissertation recommended constituting a group of trusted confidents of community of practice sharing same research interest from more advanced universities in management innovation to assist in raising resources and to inspire ways for diluting bureaucracy triggering management innovation collaboration.
The second recommendation consisted in initiating a Management Innovation Ecosystem in which actors from universities and industries actively participate for exploring and generating new management ideas safely and transparently, leading mutually beneficial interactions through involvement of testing bodies such as Quality Assurance, Bureau of standards, Chambers of Commerce and Consultancy firms, and theorizing and selling validated ones enabled by operators of validation of generated research for impact as Peer Reviews, Academic Conferences, Research Publishing, Foreign Partner universities, Ministry of Education. Currently, Dr Ciza is conducting research on “Reinventing Partnership for Building Resilient Communities in Burundi” under the funding of Christian Aid GB.
2003 - 2005
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