Dr. (Fr) Symphorien Ntibagirirwa is an Associate Professor of Governance and Leadership Ethics at International Leadership University, Burundi. He is visiting professor in various universities in Rwanda and Burundi. He is the director of the Institute of Development and Economics Ethics, IDEE, which is a structure of consulting, training and research in issues of development and the economy. He is also the director of the Revue Ethique et Société (A Journal of the Dominican Fathers of Burundi) which deals with current ethical issues of our contemporary societies.
Ntibagirirwa holds a PhD in Philosophy (of Development Economics) from the Universitity of Pretoria, South Africa. His thesis published under the title, Philosophical Premises for Africa’s Economic Development, is an Amartya Sen’s perspective aimed at providing basic capabilities or substantial freedoms needed to achieve socioeconomic development in developing countries.
His research interest centers mainly on Ubuntu (African humanism) as a philosophical concept which he applies on such issues as business ethics, corporate governance, leadership and economic development. His publications include Cultural values, economic growth and development (2009); Philosophical Premises for African Economic Development (2014), On the link between cultural values and projects of economic development (2016), Ethique professionnelle pour la société de notre temps (forthcoming) all of which converge on the idea of Ubuntu economy.
Ntibagirirwa held various world fellowships including the Joint Japan World Bank Fellowship 2008 and GIZ Fellowship among others. He was a Visiting International Scholar in Leadership Ethics at Jepson Leadership School, at University of Richmond, Virginia, USA in 2013-2014 and, currently a visiting professor at University of Lay Adventist of Kigali (2023-2026).
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